Home Selling Tips for Home Sellers Directly from the Experts Coldwell Banker-affiliated agents offer their best tips to home sellers ATHENA SNOW We know that selling a home can be stressful, especially for first-time home sellers, so we gathered five Coldwell Banker-affiliated agents from across the country to offer their best tips for getting the most out of selling your home. Our “Guiding You Home […]
Home Buying How Much Home Can You Afford? One of the most important things first-time homebuyers should explore – how much home can they afford? GUSTAVO GONZALEZ You’ve been dreaming day and night about it: Buying your first home. It’s a thrilling prospect for everyone, especially first-time homeowners. With countless properties available online at your fingertips, it’s easy to begin house hunting as […]
Home Buying Two-Month Moving Checklist Follow this two-month checklist to keep your move on track. GUSTAVO GONZALEZ The following is a guest post by Laura McHolm, Chief of Organized Living & NorthStar Moving Company Co-Founder    The pandemic stay-at-home protocols forced us to reevaluate our homes and where we live. Questions about our home size, needing a home office long term and […]
Home Improvement/Design Home Design Trends for 2023 Elevated Escapes and Outlandish Elements GUSTAVO GONZALEZ Written By: Lauren Oosterlinck In recent months, the world has re-energized, and hope has bloomed in ways that many had not experienced since before this decade began. In contrast, shifting economic and global conditions have awakened and heightened certain sensitivities. This age of extremes has given way to […]
Lifestyle 5 Tips for a Healthy Work-From-Home Routine If you’re looking for ways to improve your 9-to-5 routine, try these five simple ideas. GUSTAVO GONZALEZ Higher productivity, less stress, more free time – working from home offers plenty of benefits. It also comes with the challenge of rethinking your daily habits while prioritizing your mental and physical health. If you’re looking for ways […]
Home Selling Savvy Ways to Increase Your Home’s Value Here are a few of our favorite impactful and straightforward means of boosting your home’s value and appeal over the short or long term. GUSTAVO GONZALEZ Written By: By Lauren Oosterlinck Whether you plan to be in your home for just a few more months or many more years, there are plenty of efficient ways […]
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